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All products and news about Spas and pools.

  • beachcomberspa23

    Why clean the water in your Spa?

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    So where do your pool water problems come from?

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    5 Steps for Clean & Clear Pool Water

  • WaterSpill

    Pool Maintenance Myths

  • Fotolia_53676611_XL

    What steps are involved in restarting your pool?

  • acti-gamme-4-prd

    Everything you need to know about pool cleaning chemicals

  • ligne-deau-jaune

    How do I clean off a yellowish waterline?

  • taches-eau-agressive-2

    Why does aggressive water attack coatings?

  • algues-UV

    Algae may appear in UV lamps system treated swimming pools

  • eau-de-piscine-verte

    After shock treatment, my water turned green - is this normal?


    Why should I use Acti pH minus liquid (ACTI Hydrochloric Acid 32%) rather than hydrochloric acid?

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    The total alkalinity in my swimming pool drops during the season - is this normal?